Kuasa treated Mari's wound and brought her sister to the Zambesi Village. Mari tried to escape but was shot by one of Kuasa's guards. After Mari failed to remove the necklace, Kuasa decided to "remove it from her corpse". When Mari went to visit Macalester once more, Kuasa busted into the office with two armed men, threatening Mari to hand over the totem or she would get one of her men to kill her. Pleased, Kuasa promised to completely fund his next expedition once she gained the Anansi Totem. Later, Kuasa learned from Macalester that Mari had come to see him about her totem. Kuasa then approached Adam Macalester, a renowned professor and historian in Detroit, presumably for information on the totem and her sister. She hired a gang of thugs to retrieve the Spirit Totem from Mari, which failed once the totem awakened and formed a bond with the latter. In 2015, Kuasa tracked her sister, now " Mari McCabe", to Detroit in the United States. Esi then fled with Mari and the Spirit Totem, leaving Kuasa bitter and obsessed with retrieving it.įeeling pressured to protect Zambesi as a duty to honor the dead, Kuasa became a criminal as she grew up, forming alliances with dangerous people and obtaining power, men, and resources in order to find her sister and the totem. However, a local warlord, Benatu Eshu, attacked the village in his hunt for the totems of Zambesi murdering Kuasa's father and grandmother in the process. When Kuasa was four years old, she was named the guardian of the Spirit Totem. She had a younger sister named Mari and was close to her grandmother, Amaya, viewing the latter as her role model. Kuasa was born in 1988 to Esi and an unnamed man in the Zambesi Village, located in the M'Changa Province of Zambesi.

Young Kuasa named guardian of the Anansi Totem. Resurrection and finding Zari Tomazīiography Original multiverse Original timeline Early life.